Masked villains of the Oral History Programme

Annette, Bill and Bob participated in the Goolari Media oral history training course held at the clubrooms last weekend May 1&2.

Along with Frank, Rob and Rob who did the course late last year that’s six qualified oral historians in the membership now. Put another way 10% of the club are trained oral historians! And we have another two booked into the October and November courses.

Aside from the financial support the club offers members who want to do the course we’re also in the process of purchasing an industry standard solid state recorder and microphones.

Oral history is today recognised as a vital component of historical research. It’s an exciting new chapter for the club and the list of potential interviewees seems to grow by the day.

From left; WAHCC members Bill, Bob and Annette, with trainers Doug and Elaine of Goolari Media